Character Names and Reputations - One Million Possible Combinations
Ambulo Wheelhorn the Sternly Muscle-Bound
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Names and Reputations - Roll a d100 for a Blue, Red and Green Number. One Million possible combinations.
Example: Rolling a 26, a 63 and a 45 Equals "Meffango the Gruesomely Sarcastic"
1 Spinalzo
1 the Relentlessly
1 Forgetful
2 Octeevo
2 the Unbearably
2 Bombastic
3 Mandilicus
3 the Speedily
3 Brave
4 Apitane
4 the Mistakenly
4 Sane
5 Bum Bumess
5 the Unluckily
5 Apologetic
6 Cricket Head
6 the Meticulously
6 Flighty
7 Dreadmort
7 the Moderately
7 Mighty
8 Mummer Face
8 the Arbitrarily
8 Mysterious
9 Nackternus
9 the Occasionally
9 Scruffy
10 Orlumbat
10 the Ferociously
10 Violent
11 Izalmo
11 the Intensely
11 Lewd
12 Jumpoodler
12 the Abominably
12 Rude
13 Krakakyoolon
13 the Conspicuously
13 Timid
14 Lumpaddler
14 the Undeniably
14 Jovial
15 Peevuhroni
15 the Colorfully
15 Honest
16 Quafanicus
16 the Flamboyantly
16 Prompt
17 Hameruk
17 the Enthusiastically
17 Gutless
18 Geptooly
18 the Perfectly
18 Impoverished
19 Forpoundibuss
19 the Dependably
19 Clumsy
20 Dead Face
20 the Legendarily
20 Insane
21 Noodler
21 the Barely
21 Audible
22 Sock Ray Blue
22 the Miserably
22 Odorous
23 Pimper Suede
23 the Vividly
23 Immature
24 Liptohnkin
24 the Ceremoniously
24 Tardy
25 BettiKurl
25 the Threateningly
25 Smug
26 Meffango
26 the Protectively
26 Focused
27 Garlocko Lemonsuck
27 the Optimistically
27 Descriptive
28 Yoovio Popper
28 the Tragically
28 Fragile
29 Ging Ging
29 the Erratically
29 Crass
30 Grekko
30 the Recklessly
30 Indiscreet
31 Galpoozer
31 the Malevolently
31 Confused
32 Feffinek
32 the Stiffly
32 Over-Dressed
33 Spizzagong
33 the Snobbishly
33 Noisy
34 Ankaneedle
34 the Regretfully
34 Bow-Legged
35 Chee Cheeligrum
35 the Rapidly
35 Out-of-Place
36 Ormorzik
36 the Naughtily
36 Spooky
37 SooPlakiThon
37 the Whimsically
37 Insincere
38 A'nnoy'ingelf'namme
38 the Pitifully
38 Grungy
39 Oomlouterbang
39 the Inexplicably
39 Robust
40 PainKrackle
40 the Morbidly
40 Whiny
41 BooTooligan
41 the Drunkenly
41 Panicked
42 Doily Platebuster
42 the Impressively
42 Berserk
43 Smack Tangyoolo
43 the Criminally
43 Nostalgic
44 ZoomyBarr
44 the Sporadically
44 Careless
45 Quatoosko
45 the Fastidiously
45 Sarcastic
46 AngoDrench
46 the Forcefully
46 Muscle-Bound
47 Bordrimby
47 the Sternly
47 Spiteful
48 Corrilona
48 the Gently
48 Poetic
49 Doctor Deeee'ek
49 the Acceptably
49 Cat-Like
50 Epp Epperek
50 the Unacceptably
50 Ingenious
51 Feebullorn
51 the Pervasively
51 Cheerful
52 GronnyKoll
52 the Entirely
52 Toxic
53 Hanky Spork
53 the Intrinsically
53 Introverted
54 Ippinnazone
54 the Sneakily
54 Pensive
55 Jeeker Smeck
55 the Pointlessly
55 Obsessive
56 Kaleemoptor
56 the Treacherously
56 Notorious
57 LoWompertink
57 the Viciously
57 Nocturnal
58 Mep Aller Bep
58 the Infinitely
58 Blunt
59 Noom Grinnikahr
59 the Curiously
59 Vague
60 Ohlopteruss
60 the Daintily
60 Annoying
61 Panky
61 the Squeamishly
61 Exhausted
62 Sal Hippatica
62 the Unnecessarily
62 Moronic
63 Roaster Face
63 the Gruesomely
63 Squeaky
64 SizeMahtight
64 the Vitally
64 Sober
65 TurkMagoo
65 the Tactfully
65 Ambiguous
66 Uppity Royale
66 the Quietly
66 Criminal
67 Viktoree Sooppe
67 the Grimly
67 Boring
68 Ock Doo Leeber
68 the Smoothly
68 Vampiric
69 Cartoruss
69 the Alarmingly
69 Musical
70 XamBamitinkle
70 the Dismally
70 Invisible
71 Yankle Chesterton
71 the Carefully
71 Inebriated
72 Zonker Fitch
72 the Quaintly
72 Spineless
73 Ambulo Wheelhorn
73 the Fashionably
73 Combustible
74 BububNuhroo
74 the Unusually
74 Barbaric
75Chase Sanborn
75 the Explosively
75 Queasy
76 Doorlock Doom
76 the Abruptly
76 Cheap
77 Epikak Squid
77 the Mildly
77 Jolly
78 FannerLump
78 the Intentionally
78 Destructive
79 Plambohsus
79 the Demonically
79 Critical
80 Gapringi
80 the Nimbly
80 Pompous
81 Begorrah Tindolini
81 the Shrewdly
81 Itchy
82 Herker Kank
82 the Hardly
82 Scornful
83 IzzaDram
83 the Appropriately
83 Supportive
84 Junk Butt
84 the Beautifully
84 Loud
85 Mahdray Dee Ose
85 the Primitively
85 Picky
86 Korteemik
86 the Daringly
86 Pungent
87 Lorlampo
87 the Embarrassingly
87 Banana Shaped
88 MekMahl
88 the Suddenly
88 Restless
89 Ketrial
89 the Awkwardly
89 Distracted
90 Nobraineron
90 the Essentially
90 Serious
91 Oximeel
91 the Mirthfully
91 Addicted
92 PongTokker
92 the Oddly
92 Evasive
93 Quill Ingellon
93 the Obviously
93 Dashing
94 Rooter Spenk
94 the Reliably
94 Under-Dressed
95 Shom Jekkle
95 the Epically
95 Mournful
96 TepperFrek
96 the Proactively
96 Compulsive
97 Unquentello Chalk
97 the Adorably
97 Dog-Like
98 VeeBobolob
98 the Crudely
98 Nervous
99 Wenterpink
99 the Naturally
99 Proud
100 Xaxose
100 the Purely
100 Heroic