Questionable Entrees at the local Inn.
Boiled Satyr livers with dried garlic beans . Served in a heavy Warg sauce. Beverage: A full tankard of zuchini coffee.
Accept the results above, Or press "Roll Again",
Or scroll down and roll your own dice for random numbers,
Or just pick what you want from below. It's your adventure.
You are in a busy Inn, Tavern or Pub. You have ordered hot food.
A human waiter, 7 feet tall and built like an ox, lumbers over to your table and slams down wooden plates, bowls and tankards.
In each serving, there is a steaming hot lump of unidentified meat, a barely cooked potato and a fist sized chunk of slightly stale bread.
"Your goo may meel ov dah nite majistee," he slowly mumbles in a voice that vibrates dust from the ceiling, " it or don't."
He then drops a scroll in front of each patron, with the name of their particular "House Special". and walks away.
To get your own meal combo from dice results, please roll from the tables below.
d10 - Preparation
1 Fried
2 Roasted
3 Broiled
4 Smoked
5 Steamed
6 Marinated
7 Boiled
8 Ground
9 Simmered
10 Barbecued
d100 - Creatures
1 Toucan
2 Cobra
3 Peacock
4 Velociraptor
5 Porcupine
6 Lizard
7 Oroborus
8 Pixie
9 Vampire
10 Werewolf
11 Phoenix
12 Satyr
13 Whale
14 Pegasus
15 Harpy
16 Hyena
17 Flamingo
18 Centaur
19 Kraken
20 Leviathan
21 Cayote
22 Bat
23 Tortoise
24 Woodpecker
25 Platypus
26 Nephilim
27 Camel
28 Troll
29 Owl
30 Reindeer
31 Iguana
32 Sloth
33 Aardvark
34 Meerkat
35 Giraffe
36 Mud Skipper
37 Dolphin
38 Goblin
39 Gargoyle
40 Narwhal
41 Armadillo
42 Groundhog
43 Possum
44 Orangutan
45 Koala
46 Blowfish
47 Octopus
48 Hamster
49 Warg
50 Tarasque
51 Salamander
52 Santa Claus
53 Roc
54 Raven
55 Puckwudgie
56 Basilisk
57 Seagull
58 Wombat
59 Racoon
60 Unicorn
61 Snake Bat
62 Shark
63 Leprechaun
64 Wyvern
65 Griffin
66 Hydra
67 Bugbear
68 Howler Monkey
69 Baboon
70 Chimaera
71 Ostritch
72 Dingo
73 Moose
74 Vulture
75 Goony Bird
76 Penguin
77 Hog
78 Badger
79 Fairy
80 Rhino
81 Crocodile
82 Sphynx
83 Banshee
84 Kangaroo
85 Mastadon
86 Zebra
87 Bunyip
88 Bison
89 T-Rex
90 Manticore
91 Chupacabra
92 Hippo
93 Behemoth
94 Gorgon
95 Vole
96 Mummy
97 Naga
98 Gecko
99 Tardigrade
100 Gazelle
d12 - Entree Type
1 sausage
2 pate
3 kidneys
4 livers
5 necks
6 knees
7 breasts
8 ribs
9 thighs
10 buttocks
11 scalps
12 feet
d8 - Preparation II
1 mashed
2 raw
3 diced
4 ground
5 dried
6 pounded
7 whipped
8 stir fried
d8 - Spice
1 garlic
2 salt
3 paprica
4 parsley
5 venom
6 maple
7 yooka liptuss
8 pine
d10 - Produce
1 berries
2 nuts
3 kumquats
4 beans
5 stems
6 roots
7 leaves
8 stalks
9 sprouts
10 vines
d10 - Sauce Type
1 minty
2 cheery
3 delightful
4 eye watering
5 light
6 tastey
7 surprising
8 heavy
9 delectable
10 creamed
[ Repeat Creature Roll for Sauce ]
d10 - Brew Flavor
1 hot onion
2 Roo Barb
3 asparagus
4 grapefruit
5 peppermint
6 bitter regret
7 zuchini
8 pineapple
9 goat weed
10 clove
d10 - Brew
1 beer.
2 wine.
3 coffee.
4 ale.
5 water.
6 tea.
7 stout.
8 liqueur.
9 moonshine.
10 fizz.