A Layman's Question - That now Begs an Answer
“What does the word Darkness mean in Draeda?”
This Selection is a departure from the type of Scribing most are used to seeing from the Quill of Wolfram.
It is a collection of observations intended to illustrate the following:
"Good and Evil" do not equal "Light and Dark"
"Good and Evil" do equal "Light and Dark"
From this contradiction springs the fact that the word "Darkness" currently has two meanings forced upon it when used throughout Draeda.
It has been my experience in all matters
of philosophy and useful discourse, that a complex subject cannot be examined
by any of the parties engaged in the conversation until the meaning of the
terms used to discuss it are agreed upon.
For example:
If I would discuss the best preparation of foods, I must first know the meaning of the words recipe, seasoning and oven.
If I would discuss combat, I must first understand what is meant by the words defense, offence and strategy.
What originally prompted this scribing, among other experiences, was the conversation sparked by a recent Circle of Spirit, gathered to discuss the nature of "Darkness".
Though the gathering was most energetic and fruitful from the standpoint of hearing a wide variety of opinions, I fear that it served only to point up the fact that there is a disturbing VOID in Draeda.
That Void is the absence of a clear definition of "Darkness".
The result being, that the conversation in that Circle of Spirit went forward at a swift pace, before any definition of what we were talking about was agreed upon.
February 24th 2004 : It must also be brought into question, now that darkness,
in a literal sense, pervades the lands. )
The Core question is, what does the word "Darkness" mean in Draeda?
In this humble scribe's opinion, there Are effectively TWO definitions for the term,
much ire and misunderstanding will follow for years to come unless Draeda
adopts a method of separating their meanings very clearly when the term "Darkness"
is used, or unless the terms “Good and Evil” are allowed back into the Speech
of Draeda Common.
I may be mistaken, but it is "Natural Darkness" that is being referred to when many speak of it as a part of the Balance both in Nature and within Ourselves.
Example Elements of "Natural Darkness" and Their Counterparts in "Natural Light":
( The Presence of Darkness or The absence of Light. ) By this I refer simply to the light or dark by which we see or do not see. |
Light ( The
Presence of Light or the absence of Darkness ) By this I refer simply to the light or dark by which we see or do not see. |
Pain ( Physical Discomfort or even Agony ) | Pleasure ( Physical Well being or even Ecstasy ) |
Cold ( Low
temperature in varying extremes that cause pain or death.) Hot ( High temperature in Varying extremes that cause pain or death) |
Hot ( High
temperature in Varying extremes that give life and energy) Cold ( Low temperatures in Varying extremes that cure fever and calm spirits.) |
Death ( The cessation of physical movement and being) | Life ( The continuance of physical movement and being ) |
Misery ( The emotional state resulting from the desolation and destruction of one's desires. ) | Happiness ( The emotional state resulting from the realization and fulfillment of one's desires ) |
Anger / Hatred ( The emotional states that wish destruction ) | Contentment / Love ( The emotional states that wish construction ) |
In all these instances, the key point to consider is that they ARE natural. They "HAPPEN".
Owing to whatever outside force engenders them.. they come about naturally.
( This list of Natural States is not to deny that there is also a balance of Good and Evil within us all, but that shall be treated below. I am in full realization that there is no crystal clear separation of these human moral elements, but I separate them for the purpose of this Treatise and that is to clearly define the Word “Darkness” )
If I am wrong in this, ( and I fully admit the possibility ) I would greatly enjoy further instruction and correction.
there is a kernel of truth here, then please read on.
The Second Definition of Darkness I shall set forth is Born of The Perception or implication that "Darkness" is "Evil".
I shall call this "The Word Darkness Perceived as Evil "
I shall heed my own counsel here.. and proceed no further in this scribing until I have provided some very broad definitions of Good and Evil.
They are by no means complete and exhaustive definitions, for that would be beyond the scope of this treatise, but they shall serve here to illustrate the point.
Evil : The use of people, through deception, for the purpose of seizing power and possessions or for the purpose of deriving personal enjoyment and gratification through the suffering of others. The cruel and deliberate spread of pain and despair whether or not the power and possessions are obtained. It does not "Happen"...it is chosen, practiced and INTENDED. |
Good: The use of power and possessions to
aid and nurture people, health and life. The derivation of personal enjoyment
and gratification through the happiness of others. The spread of happiness
and |
must be made very clear, that "The Word Darkness
Perceived as Evil " is very different from "Natural Darkness"
Example elements of "Darkness Perceived
as Evil " and their counterparts in "Light perceived as Good":
Malicious Attack ( Bringing harm to an individual or group of individuals for no other purpose but to cause misery.) | Unconditional Aid ( Bringing healing to an individual or group of individuals for no other purpose but to remove misery.) |
Telling Lies ( Misrepresenting the truth for the purpose of Initiating an atmosphere of falsehood and mistrust.) | Telling the Truth ( Stating facts. Or spreading Facts for the purpose of dispelling Lies. ) |
Destruction or theft of Another's Property ( The desecration or removal of the possessions of another for the purpose of causing strife, or for no purpose at all.) | Creation, repair or Giving of Property ( The production and distribution of possessions to others for the purpose of causing Joy.) |
To compare The examples in this list with those of the Earlier List would be much like comparing Foo Melons to Raspberries.
The first List above shows "Natural States" in their balanced opposites.
second list of "Good" and "Evil" elements does
not show opposites of natural states.
It shows Opposites of Actions and Intentions.
Actions and Intentions are carried out as a result of individual conscious Choice. They may be correctly interpreted as "Good" or "Evil". |
Natural States ( In
Nature or the Worldly laws of the Gods ) are the outcome of the impartial
machinations of the stars, the winds, the Land and the animals. They are
primal Forces. Natural States ( In
our emotions ) are the outcome of our perceptions of what happens around
us as they compare with our desires. They are Primal results of our Reason. To interpret them as "Good" or "Evil" would be incorrect. |
Thus, the Term "Darkness" when used in Draeda has come to have TWO meanings.
One referring to the negative aspects of natural states and the other Implying a Moral Wrong.
A Draedan enters a mine and sees in the dim light, a spider crawling along the wall. The Draedan Speaks:
"This is a creature of Darkness." <= This meaning should be taken as "Natural Darkness".
A Draedan Enters a City and sees The Temple in Flames, Fellow citizens slain, and a Dark Archer firing Arrows at the rest of the residents. The Draedan Speaks:
"This is a creature of Darkness." <= This meaning should be Taken as "The Word Darkness Perceived as Evil "
A Draedan sits alone at home grieving for the loss of a loved one who has died of an illness or accidental injury, and others speak:
"Darkness hath visited that house." <= This meaning should be taken as "Natural Darkness".
A Draedan sits alone at home close to death from a Random or Targeted Poisoning, and others speak:
"Darkness hath visited that house." <= This meaning should be Taken as "The Word Darkness Perceived as Evil "
Thus we have the Split meaning for the word "Darkness" in Draeda.
And the perceptions of Light as "Good" and Darkness as "Evil" are aided by one simple fact:
Good actions and Evil Actions have a direct influence on the Natural States of Light and Dark.
The Evil Murder of thy kin may result in the "Natural Dark" emotional states of Anger, Misery and Hatred.
Dwelt upon and allowed to color the victim's perceptions, these Natural Emotional
states may directly effect the victim to have Evil intentions and take Evil
If those actions are taken, then both the Evil and the Natural Darkness become entwined and feed on Each other. The Natural Emotional state is neither Good Nor Evil. The resulting Choice of action may be interpreted as moral or immoral. ( Again, that interpretation is beyond the scope of this treatise ).
The Gift of Friendship and support to a stranger may result in altering the Natural emotional states of the recipient to Happiness, Security and Self-respect. When fostered and enjoyed, such a state may color the Recipient's perception to such a degree that they feel a need to practice further Acts of Good and intend Good. When these actions are taken, both the Good and the Natural Light become entwined and feed on each other. The resulting Choice of action may be interpreted as moral or immoral. ( Again, that interpretation is beyond the scope of this treatise ).
And so - What has caused this Split meaning for the Word "Darkness"?
I contend that it is the result of the Draedan inability to correctly use the term "Evil" , thus striking it from the Lexicon of the world.
I further contend that this is dangerous and divisive, for it gives rise to repeated untruths and misunderstandings.
I further contend that Forcing the Word "Darkness" to mean Two things, serves the elements of Evil very well, for the resulting confusion and argument are splendid soil for Evil works to grow in that do not benefit The Land or its people.
we live, work and travel about in Draeda, we do not curse the coming of nightfall
as an "Evil" Thing.
That is because we know that this form of "Darkness" does not practice deceit,
subtle division of the populace, nor hidden agendas. It is Natural. It "Happens".
When we find a City under attack by Dark Archers ( Gracious even the NAME given to them misrepresents the Truth ) we do not perceive them as a "Natural Occurrence" or a "balanced part of the world's energies". We see them arrive with INTENT to do harm, and recognize them as the wretched harbingers of misery that they are.
To continue with the dual meaning of "Darkness" in Draeda is a course of folly.
It is a pale policy of self-deception, not to call Evil - what it is - to it's face.
It is an Insult to the beliefs and faiths of others to refer to "Natural Darkness" as "Evil".
This double meaning will be used and abused by any citizens who have become
creatures of such low character as to deal out pain, emotional hurt and destruction
while not wishing to be held accountable for any of it.
To dilute actions and practices which are INTENDED to bring harm and misery
– by mixing them into the totality of Nature with the All-encompassing term
“Darkness”, is to deny that any
conscious decision was made by an individual to perpetrate an Evil action.
Such an individual may practice the most base and foul behaviour toward all,
and lay the soothing ointment to the mind that any rebuke for such actions
is an affront to his or her "beliefs", because it disrespects the Religious
right to worship "Darkness".
If a Draedan says to me, “I serve the forces of Darkness”,
that person means:
“ I am more comfortable with my familiar
misery, my isolation and my anonymity in the safety of the shadows and the
night. I move about in the world, embracing my despair, and take comfort in
recognizing the futility in all things. I prefer to plant mold for what has
died and must be rotted, than to plant flowers. My Pain, and the pain of
my fellows is consistent and lasting. It appears solid to me, so I cling
to it as a frozen tree's roots cling to the icy winter ground at midnight.”
In that, I hear a point of view that I may not agree with, but I hear nothing which intends harm to me or others.
can respect the differences and seek not to change them. I may feel badly
about the poor soul, but I can
co-exist peacefully with such a person. - And here I MUST ask : Does this Person Worship Erebos?
If a Draedan says to me, “I serve the forces of Darkness”
that person means:
“ I seek Power, Wealth and personal comfort,
and I will bring deception, harm, injury and misery to as many others as
I need to in order to get it. I enjoy the screams of pain from my victims
and revel in the destruction of happy places and happy people. If it is Cruel,
Ugly, Un-Healthy and disrupts the harmonious lives of everyone I can reach,
then please count me In!”
I Must apologize. But that Draedan does NOT serve “The Forces of Darkness”. That person has chosen Evil. And I shall ever feel compelled to defend myself and those I care about from the actions of such a wretch. The actions, Intentions and motivations of such a twisted being preclude all possibility of peaceful co-existence. - And here I MUST ask : Does this Person Worship Erebos?
await a well considered reply to this treatise, providing that it serves
to more clearly DEFINE the terms, and thus correct any ignorance I have displayed.
* Bows in Thanks to all Draedans who have read this Treatise Twice
Best of Days,